Nova Scotia

I have visited Nova Scotia several times, it has quite an allure.  None of the trips turned out the way I wished but the allure is still there.  The Nova Scotia photo gallery has general interest photographs from those provinces.  Cape Split and the “sea waterfalls” which occur at the change of tides is the subject of one video from Nova Scotia, the other is a general scenery production.

Notes on Brier Island (written several years later in Portland, Oregon): Fireweed is just going past on the Mazama now and I was reminded of videotaping in the fall on Brier Island, Nova Scotia (Canada).  The fall warblers were flitting as usual and kept us frustrated on that trip.  The sea was just a few yards away and the sun was bright.  As I wandered, along the shore, I found a large field of fireweed which had gone to seed.  I spent quite a while taping the seed puffs against the sun and blowing in the wind.  A beautiful and fulfilling experience, one that was brought back in an instant by one plant on the other side of North America.

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