This alphabetical listings of mammal/marsupial photographs and videos is by English Common Name. If there is a time indicator (00:30) it refers to the time the species is first seen on the video.
In addition to the species accounts listed below, I have made the following compilations of video accounts:

Flying-Fox, Indian - Pteropus giganteus
- Sri Lanka - Birding the South - Volume One
- Sri Lanka - Birding the South - Volume Two
- Photographs from India
Fox, Crab-eating - Cerdocyon thous
- Brazil’s Pantanal - The Reptiles and Mammals (04:18)
- Video recorded in Colombia 2024
- Photographs from Colombia 2024
Fox, Grey - Urocyon cinereoargentus
Gazelle, Indian - Gazella bennettii
- Photographs from India
Giraffe, South African - Giraffa giraffa giraffa
Howler, Guatemalan Black - Alouatta pigra (aka Yucatan Black Howler)
Howler, Mantled - Alouatta palliata
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume One
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Two
- Photographs from Panama
Howler, Venezuelan Red - Alouatta seniculus
Jackal, Golden - Canis aureus
- Sri Lanka - Birding the South - Volume One
- Sri Lanka - Birding the South - Volume Two
- Photographs from India
Kangaroo, Red - Macropus rufus
Kinkajou - Potos flavus
Koala - Phascolarctos cinereus
- Queensland - Birding the Tropical North - Volume 1 (1:06:10)
- Queensland - Birding the Tropical North - Volume 2 (04:15)
- Photographs from Queensland
Langur, Capped - Trachypithecus pileatus
- Video recorded in Bhutan
- Photographs from Bhutan
Langur, Gee’s Golden - Trachypithecus geei
- Video recorded in Bhutan
- Photographs from Bhutan
Langur, Southern Plains - Semnopithecus dussumieri
- Photographs from India
Langur, Tufted Grey - Semnopithecus priam thersites
- Sri Lanka - Birding the South - Volume One
- Sri Lanka - Birding the South - Volume Two
- Photographs from Sri Lanka
Macaque, Assam - Macaca assamensis
- Video from Bhutan
- Photographs from Bhutan
Macaque, Barbary - Macaca sylvanus
Macaque, Bonnet - Macaca radiata
- Photographs from Sri Lanka
Macaque, Crab-eating - Macaca fascicularis
Macaque, Crested Black - Macaca nigra
- Sulawesi - The Reptiles and Mammals
- Photographs taken in Sulawesi, Indonesia
Macaque, Rhesus - Macaca mulatta
- Photographs from India
Marten, Yellow-throated - Martes flavigula
- Video recorded in Bhutan
- Photograph from Bhutan
Mongoose, Indian Grey - Herpestes edwardsii
- Photographs from India
Mongoose, Ruddy - Herpestes smithii
- Sri Lanka - Birding the South - Volume One
- Sri Lanka - Birding the South - Volume Two
- Video recorded in Sri Lanka
- Photographs from Sri Lanka
Mongoose, Stripe-necked - Herpestes vitticollis
- Video recorded in Sri Lanka
- Photographs from Sri Lanka
Monkey, Black-capped Squirrel - Saimiri boliviensis
Monkey, Brown Wooly - Lagothrix lagotricha
Monkey Gray-handed Night, Aotus griseimembra
Monkey, Green - Chlorocebus sabaeus
- Video from The Gambia - November 2018
- Framegrabs from The Gambia - November 2018
- Video from Senegal - November 2018
- Framegrabs from Senegal - December 2018
Monkey, Patas - Erythrocebus patas patas
Monkey, (Ornate) Spider- - Ateles geoffroyi ornatus
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume One
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Two
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Three
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Four
Monkey, Geoffroy's Spider- - Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis
Monkey, Central American Squirrel- - Saimiri oerstedii
Muntjac, Indian (Barking Deer) - Muntiacus muntjak
- Photographs from India